Quote Originally Posted by Jason View Post
Welcome to the community. I have read your post a couple times, and the only think I can come up with is lack of oxygen in the water, but I assume you would have pumps to provide that. Have you had any more issues since you posted? Are the fish still dying?

There is a ton of oxygen being pumped into the fish tank and grow bed and water pouring into tank splashing.
still dying, no fish alive. snails are doing fine. I'm going to clean the whole system and start fresh. I have done a quick cycle and a no additive month long cycle. Both times had problem with fish dying after a certain amount of time...I had quite a few mature plants in the grow bed with lots of root systems and a media bed for filtering. is it possible that I need additional filtering or the fish are just producing too much waste? I never had more than 5 small to. medium goldfish in a 55 gallon tank so I don't think that's the case. Any other ideas?

Sorry if that was a bit dense and scattered, I just can't pinpoint an issue.