I shot some pics today:

First is my lettuce GB, right now it's a Kale and a couple Swiss Char that were moved from the DWC system. There will be a couple more additions this week. I harvested the largest leaves for dinner today, which is why they will all look a bit sparse. I picked up a lot of 10 LED bulbs that pop into my old T8 fixtures - so far so good, and they were only $11ea!

This is one of my DWC beds. That little pepper plant puts out mini yellow peppers. I am also trying a cutting from an African violet - even just to get it to root before moving it into a F&D GB.

This is my other DWC bed, just a parsley, oregano and swiss char - the big lettuces from the 1st GB and basil from my herb GB were moved from this one recently.

This was the first GB I planted. The celery is from a cutting from the grocery store, and most of the little pepper plants are from one of the yellow peppers in my DWC tank. The big plants are spider plants from the living room. This GB has seen a great boost since I started adding O2.

Here's my herb garden. For some reason, the green onion hasn't done well. Rosemary never sprouted, for some reason, and only one sage came up. Dill, parsely and thyme all sprouted from seed and seem to be doing well. The basil is from the DWC and is doing fantastic.

I'm running the O2 at about 4L/min and may increase it a bit - I haven't noticed any distress from the fish, so it should be OK to increase it. The proff at the University says that there is no maximum for the bacteria or plant roots. Right now, it's only running on the pond with the F&D GBs, but I'm thinking about T-ing it off and running it to the DWCs.