Okay, I getcha. Now thinking about the adoption of this credential. How do we convince the potential members that we are the authority and all things Aquaponics? How does our process of strict scrutiny make things better for members than say if Dr. Wennard Lilson, who has no credential on his site?

I think once we get some of the bigger folks onboard, the little fish will follow. It's the first step, but HOW? Some ideas come to mind, like give away the first year or 6 months for free to these "larger" communities (assuming they pass or are willing to work with us to make them pass).

WHAT ABOUT websites/companies that only SELL products or that's their main focus? Do we scrutinize them differently? Subscription price difference? Or we don't give them membership at all since we're more about the EDUCATION?

What do you feel, at the moment, the start-up cost for this venture would be, ROUGHLY?