Quote Originally Posted by aquaarche
Quote Originally Posted by Jackalope
Yes, Montana is huge, it's a beautiful state (despite the freezing weather),
hey Jack, I was wondering how about raising brown trout instead of gold fish. they are legal in Montana they do well in cold weather.

My grandfather had a farm in Wisconsin he had German browns they got huge in just one summer.

anyway, just a thought
I'm growing Guppies now ....... I'm not doing very well in the veggie dept ...... it looks like we may have some tomatoes and possibly some peppers .... th squash and cukes have only given up male flowers, so I think they're a bust .... the watermelon gave up the ghost, and out of four bush bean plants, we've got a total of about 5 beans All but one lettuce died, and it had about four leaves on it and suddenly went to seed. The parsley did fine, for the one plant that survived, and the wife took everything else that I hadn't killed and put it in dirt, where it is doing great ....... as an aquaponicist, I make a real great lawyer This will be the last heirloom seeds that we buy from Irish Eyes .......

Right now I've got about a hundred feeder guppies, and I've just started introducing some fancies, in the hopes that I can sell them to pet stores and recoup some of my money ...... I'll use the male feeders for fish food, and keep the females for breeding as I get more fancy males ......... somehow, this has to work out!!