Time for an update !

Got a call from the fish farm guy on Monday saying the water had gone down far enough for him to capture some more fry. I went over last night and picked up 50 catfish fry about 3-4" long.

Learned something about GPS's and country roads, when I turned down the road to his place I am glad I had my 4wd hemi Dodge quad cab because I had to battle thru 1-1/2 miles of nothing but mud to get back to a civilized road.
While I was talking to him , he said he supplied fish to guy in Oklahoma that is running an aquaponics system raising catfish and selling Swiss chard commercially. Basically he told Mark that he could grow chard the best and fastest and had a market outlet for it.

Bag of 50 Catfish Fry

The Bok Choy I had got creamed by the heat so I replaced it with zuchinni which is going absolutely nuts! I also planted cherry tomato plants where my spinach was struggling and they seem to be doing rather well. The green bean plants I planted are also doing well , they are growing twice as fast as the ones that were planted at the same time in my regular garden plot. The original Tomato's I planted are really looking wasted to many transistion's from lack of nutrients & high heat & high PH before I got everything stabilized I think. Pepper plants are still hanging in but they are just not doing that well. My PH is coming down (7.8) but I don't have where it needs to be. Kinda of wished I had gone with Hydroton instead of gravel but just couldn't afford it. That would have beedn the difference between doing this and not.
I will try and get some pictures of the plants in the next day or two.

Still working on the misting system but it has kinda of back burnered itself while I sort out other life issues.