Hm, well the setup I had was a fish tank with gravel and worms in the bottom. I had 1 pump taking water up into a hydroton grow bed that would flood and drain. The more "floaty" solids got stuck in the grow bed, and the heavier turds would sink down into the gravel. I only put in 3 or 4 worms to start and in a few months there were tons of them and REALLY FAT. My plants were growing off a few CFL bulbs, and to be honest they were doing better indoors than outdoors by about a factor of 300% in size and vegetable yield (I had peppers mostly). Anyway, it was fun to eat dinner in front of my TV and reach over to my pepper plant and pick a few to add some more spice to it.

I don't grow indoors anymore because it freaks out the ladies when I bring them over... Worms are especially scary and whatnot...