my step daughter hosted a b-day party, so no pic's, but i'll be working on the system this weekend and will get some then

i read about the ladybugs being migratory, and i'm sure they'll be trying to leave, but right now with the basment temps in the mid to high 60's, they seem pretty content hanging around the gb, chowin down on aphids.. saw quite a few doin the nasty last night when i was feeding the fish and checking everything over, looking forward to finding some ladybug eggs.. i wonder if the ones that are born in the basement would want to stay there..

i had a pineapple plant that i brought in for the winter, it was doing fine until the cats discovered they liked to chew the leaves.. so i put it on a table near the gb's, when i was moving stuff around the other day i elbowed the plant and snapped it off right at the stalk, anyways, i think that's where what i think the fungus gnats came from, at least i think they're fungus gnats, looks like i need some nematodes to manage them, but not sure how that would work with the fish,, feels like i spend a lot of time looking for info, but it's worth it