As I said previously, when zirconium, the cladding around the fuel, reaches 2200F it will start stripping oxygen from the steam. This also happened at TMI. This is far below the melting point of fuel which is around 5000F. The core boils off most of the water and that allows the temperature to increase and the zirc-water reaction to start and release hydrogen.

The AMA promotes medicine. Does that automatically make them liars? Why do you impugn NEI's integrity? Just because you are against nuclear power means that anyone that differs with your view is evil? Take a deep breath and calm down. They are the best and most accurate source of information. The crap you are getting from the news media is only meant to scare you and sell advertising.

Quote Originally Posted by jcx
Wait... Without a salt reaction or meltdown how do you get a hydrogen explosion in a BWR?