Quote Originally Posted by Green Builder
I have read a lot of Mike's stuff. I have bought from Miami-Aquaculture and they sell his his fish. What do you think of the Pennyfish? Which fish do you breed?
I keep pureline T. horonorum from Mike and his orange O. mossambica, My own line of black O .mossambica that Mike is now using for his Black Diamond pennyfish, and I keep a sub-species of the Nile called Baringo.

If you want large fillet, go for hybrids, but then you are stuck replacing the breeders every couple of years. Niles are also a good choice. Not quite as big or fast growing as the hybrids, but still an excellent fish. O. mossambica take a couple of years toget to market size, but breed like crazy.

I'm wondering if you could make tilapia sardines. If you could, O. mossambica would be the perfect choice.