Quote Originally Posted by badflash
Force them to cite chapter & verse. Put up or shut up. They are there to enforce the rules, not make them up or twist them to their liking.
That's what I did in Montana, and I won, they backed off and I've never heard from them since. Get the law, print it out, and wait for them to show up, but wait with a video camera in your hand .... They hate being photographed when they try to break/make up state laws ..... then call the cops for them to be arrested for breaking the law 'under color of law' etc. etc. Like Terry C. says, bury them (and the local cops too, if necessary) in paperwork! They hate the idea of one of their slaves knowing what the law actually says! It's been my experience that most of the F&G (FWP here) drones don't actually know what the law says, they just take their superior's word for what the law says ..... it's worked for me many times, and not just with the F&G drones but with most state employees! Remember, they work for you, they aren't your Master. And, if you are filming, make sure that you let them know what constitutional errors they are making (like being secure in your home; life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness; anything else you can include! If you can make a Federal case out of it, they may back off faster!