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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Way Nothern California

    Epic Animal Attack

    Today I went to get some crickets from my friends shop and I noticed something new. A young green anaconda, that would be cool in aquaponics. So i asked a little about how fast they grow and how long it would be before I needed body armor and a team of 4 to 6 well trained people to handle it. Then I asked him if I could hold it, he said "I would not let a normal customer hold it. But I know you wont sue me when it bites you. I slowly moved my hand into its tank to pick it up, not very happy at this point. Finely I picked it up and it seemed like it was doing alright. At this point I noticed my buddy was opening a first aid kit and snickering a little. When I turned my head a little to look over at him *BOOM* the snake nailed one of my dread locks! Lucky for me it realized there was no meat inside it or that axe body was residue tastes like shit. I should have been video typing it.

    Eh, here is an epic animal attack picture to make up for the lack of video^^
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  2. #2
    Moderator JCO's Avatar
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    Orange Park, Florida

    Re: Epic Animal Attack

    That looks like a Lamprey Eel in your photo. I bet it left a mark by the time they got it off.

    As for you snake incident, according to a scientist friend of mine that use to go to South America with Marlin Perkins (of Wild Kingdom fame and who also had the honor of being the director of the St. Louis, Mo. zoo), Anacondas are the oldest living member of the constrictor family. Even the shape of their head is different than any other constrictor.

    However, according to my friend, regardless of age of how many years of constant human contact, they can never be tamed sufficiently to be handle safely! He said they are primordial in nature.

    As far as I am concerned, any snake that gets that big is only useful for making hat bands, belts, wallets, purses and boots.

    Oh yes, and since I have been in the water with sharks a gazillion times in my younger days, I feel the same way about them.

    When they catch a Great White or Tiger shark or ANY SHARK and tag him, as far as I am concerned they didn't tag him hard enough if he was able to swim away when the put him back in the water!
    Irish eyes are always smiling but
    • "In the eyes of the world, you are only as good as your last success"
    so never forget

  3. #3
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    Way Nothern California

    Re: Epic Animal Attack

    "When they catch a Great White or Tiger shark or ANY SHARK and tag him, as far as I am concerned they didn't tag him hard enough if he was able to swim away when the put him back in the water! " LMAO

    Yeah, Green anacondas are no joke, I was worried it was going to pull a dread off. Its weird its one of the only water snakes allowed in California.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Re: Epic Animal Attack

    When they catch a Great White or Tiger shark or ANY SHARK and tag him, as far as I am concerned they didn't tag him hard enough if he was able to swim away when the put him back in the water!
    And that would be the mentality that has contributed a great deal to why EVERY SINGLE natural population of animals on this planet is on the way to total decline and extinction. Just because an animal (or plant) serves no apparent beneficial purpose that YOU can see, that does not mean it should be eradicated. On the other side of the coin, commercial harvesting practices has destroyed the population structure of every single species that has every had a commercial market.

    Every day you take a breath you are living with risk. Frankly there is a greater chance of having a fragment of an airplane fall from the sky and hit you than to be attacked (this does not mean killed) by a shark.

    Sorry for a rant, but I had to say something.

    Green Phoenix

  5. #5
    Moderator JCO's Avatar
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    Orange Park, Florida

    Re: Epic Animal Attack

    HUG THAT TREE....sorry, that wasn't nice, but I never claimed to be nice. That way most people aren't surprised when I'm not. Please don't take offense as I mean nothing personal.

    My reasons for how I feel about sharks come from actual first hand experience.

    I'm a former U.S. Navy Seal and by the time I was 23 I had spent almost as much time in and under the ocean as I had walking on dry land during that 4+ years of my life.

    I can guarantee you that until you actually witness what a shark feeding frenzy can do to a human body in a matter of seconds, you can worry about their survival 'til the cows come home and it won't sway my mind set about them one iota!

    Try for a moment to imagine what it would be like to be eaten alive. Literally ripped to shreds in a matter of seconds; the red glow of your life's blood staining the water and nothing but small shreds of meat drifting in the middle of it where only seconds earlier a living, breathing human being was swimming with his friends. AND YOU CAN DO NOTHING BUT WATCH HELPLESSLY UNLESS YOU WISH TO BECOME A VICTIM ALSO..!

    NOW you can continue to hug your trees.

    As for me, after 2 tours in Viet Nam and loosing a close friend and TEAM MEMBER to a shark feeding frenzy, I actually fear nothing as long as I can control the situation.

    I have always endeavored to not knowingly get myself into a situation I couldn't get out of safely if at all possible. That is not something you can do with a shark attack. A shark doesn't have to be provoked; they can not be reasoned with and you have no way of preventing it except 'DON'T GO IN THE WATER"!

    I feel the same way about Lions, Crocodiles, Grizzly Bears and any other species of animal that will attack, kill and eat a human being, PERIOD..!

    And you are right, the world is going to "HELL IN A HAND BASKET" but the human race in general actually has a more pressing problem. 99.9% of the population of the world expects that small remaining .1% to feed it, protect it and come to it's rescue when ever any disaster strikes and then "WE ARE TO LISTEN SILENTLY" when they complain about how bad America is and then bit the hand that has fed them.

    Can you believe it? Our government has actually been sending Egypt $1.8 billion dollars a year in foreign aid just so they will be nice to us and they still hate us and that's only a drop in the total bucket of what America gives the world every year in Foreign Aid.

    How many countries actually jumped in to help Americans when Katrina kit New Orleans or we had the Gulf Oil Spill? Yet you let an earthquake hit Haiti, a Tsunami hit Micronesia or volcanic eruption happen anywhere in the world and we are like "JIM DANDY TO THE RESCUE". You've heard of know "JOHNNY ON THE SPOT"!

    Frankly, I'm fed up with it and I think it's HIGH TIME the rest of the world took care of it's self but that's where the problem comes in.

    The rest of the world wants what we have, but they don't want to work for it. They are like some of the nomadic tribes of this earth who see a good hunting ground and move in, take over and set up house, but when they have devastated the area, they just pack up and move on to the next. That's what the 99.9% of the population of the world is going to do to America. They are coming here daily by the thousands, not to be productive but looking for a hand out.

    OK, True I kinda got off the subject, but there again that's what happens when I hear someone crying about the inevitable.

    Human beings are that "PER-VERBAL NOMADIC TRIBE"! We are going to devastate this planet to the point of the destruction of the world and the near if not complete extinction of the human race and hugging a tree won't stop it today or tomorrow because it is "INEVITABLE"!


    Sorry to be so dramatic. When you get older, you see the world in a very different light. When I was an invincible young warrior on the side of good, I didn't concern myself about politics or the world as a whole, only my own little nucleolus.

    Well, I just happen to find and looked at my S/S letters from 2009 and 2010:-

    In 2009 I was to receive $1,047.30 per month before they took out $56.70 for my Medicare premiums.

    In 2010 I was to receive $1,037.00 per month before they took out $72.00 (they got a raise) for my Medicare premiums.

    So while the members of Congress were voting themselves a raise and denying S/S recipients a cost of living raise, they lowered my S/S by $10.30 and raised my Medicare premiums by 15.30.

    So all total, I lost $25.60 in monthly ($307.20 annually) income while grocery cost went through the roof and gasoline prices streaked up to $5.+++++ dollars per galleon. That's why the whole world needs to know about and start practicing living through the technology of Aquaponics.

    Here in America, it's time for SARA (the SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY ARMY) to take action. OH, wait....never mind...Sharia Law will be here soon to save us all from our wicked ways..!

    As my Grandfather use to say when he was through making his feeling known about anything controversial, "NUFF SAID"..!
    Irish eyes are always smiling but
    • "In the eyes of the world, you are only as good as your last success"
    so never forget

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Way Nothern California

    Re: Epic Animal Attack

    Bears are cool, not as bad as sharks at all. A bear you can hear coming, A bear gets freaked out when you yell at it, a bear you can shoot before it gets to you.

    I feel you on sharks, I know someone who lost a leg at 23 from a great white. And the stupid shark spit it out after he bite it off...
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  7. #7
    Moderator JCO's Avatar
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    Orange Park, Florida

    Re: Epic Animal Attack

    I know what you mean by that. They told us it was a case of mistaken identity when the sharks killed my friend, so I said that's all well and good for the sharks but how do you get a "SHARK ID" or put glasses on the stupid sharks so they know you are not what they thought you were..!

    I know that I should not have ranted like I did and it was nothing personal with Green Phoenix but what with being hacked twice in a 3 day period by some Muslim smartass hacker and working almost round the clock to get the site back up didn't leave me in a very good mood.

    I know, that's no excuse and Badflash is going to give me hell for it so I might as well brace myself for it. He's my controller that keeps my Irish/Cherokee temper in check. (sometimes he doesn't get to me in time )(that's most of the time not because my fuse is short but because sometimes it burns faster than others )

    As for dangerous animals, according to the Discovery Channel, Americans are in danger in their own back yards from an explosion of a species of Wild Hogs that have been attacking people all over the place. Some of them they showed were almost arm pit tall on the average human and weighed anywhere from 800 to more than 1,000 pounds.

    We need to find a way to capture them and relocate them to Dearborn, Michigan. "NUFF SAID"..!
    Irish eyes are always smiling but
    • "In the eyes of the world, you are only as good as your last success"
    so never forget

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2011
    US Virgin Islands

    Re: Epic Animal Attack

    I know I'm late to the party, but I absolutely loved this post.

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