Here's an earlier article which might explain why big Agri-business is upset:

Quote Originally Posted by The Telegraph-UK
Michelle Obama digs kitchen garden at White House

Michelle Obama has begun digging an organic kitchen garden at the White House which will supply the first family with vegetables for many of their meals.

Early in her stint as first lady, Mrs Obama has outlined healthy eating habits as one of her favoured causes. She has consulted Alice Waters, the celebrated Californian chef and restaurateur who also runs a project in which she teaches children to grow their own vegetables and eat healthily.
Once they start dining on fennel, broccoli and spinach grown a few hundred feet from their kitchen, the Obamas will become "locavores"/

A locavore - a term coined by Miss Waters - is part of a larger sustainability movement that believes eating locally grown food weans dependence from large industrial farms and boosts local economies.
Emphasis mine

I guess that makes me a locavore (my wife would probably say I'm LOCO and leave it at that).

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