Most of Dale's Carnege's ideas are based on suckering people so you can use them for your own ends. I think most of it sounds great but if you want to teach people instead of getting something from them, this stuff is N/A.

Treat people with respect- check
Listen to what they have to say- check
Give honest, but complete criticism in as non offensive way as possible.
To allow someone to do something bone-headed out of fear of hurting their feelings is idiotic.
It is more important to be respected than to be liked, and if you aren't respected, you won't be liked.
To that end, never present other's ideas as your own, and if you haven't tried it yourself, be sure you say so.
Be generous, but not stupid with your generosity. Remember we are trying to teach men to fish.
Don't take it personal if someone doesn't like your idea, or has a suggestion to improve it.
If you are pissed off, keep your words to yourself until you are no longer angry.
And in the immortal words of Mark Twain, don't argue with an idiot. Politely state your point and let it go.

-Post editied because JCO removed his post that prompted me to write this response.