If you start with weak animals that harbor disease, it will come out when stressed. Next time pick a fish that has some economic value. Koi are good for ornamental sales, hybid sunfish are good to eat and handle cold well. Tilapia are best, but they require warmth all the time.

Quote Originally Posted by Jackalope
Quote Originally Posted by badflash
If it was easy, everyone would do it. Once you get your system to cycle properly, things will be much easier.
It had nothing to do with cycling, the readings were always good for this area, just a ph that was a little high , everything else was doing fine .... and then they started dying right and left .... (this was after my initial bad start where I lost some due to ignorance). First it was the food, then ICK, then parasites, then velvet ....... I couldn't win no matter what! I treated with salt, malachite green, Jungle parasite clear tank buddies, and velvet guard, but they all died in the end I just know I'm disgusted with carp ..... not only because it takes 2 years for them to grow to frying pan size, but they are extremely susceptible to disease ...... never again! Hopefully I will be able to sell the guppies and endlers to fish shops to help pay for the food ...... other than that, they'll supply much-needed fertilizers