Welcome to the forum, glad to have you here! Questions are always welcome, don't be too skeeered to ask, we don't bite (well, maybe one or two of us, but not all of us ) We love questions, and we especially love photos Please be sure to put where you live in your profile so we know what part of the country/hemisphere/planet you are in ..... someone who lives nearby may be able to help you out personally as well.

We have a great FAQ button for navigating the website controls, etc. at the top of the page, next to the "Members" button, please check it out if you haven't already done so.
We also have another FAQ section which contains many of the hints and tips that have been collected along the way ..........

Before posting any URLs or emails, please take a look at the Forum Rules .....
If you see something that you would like added to these FAQs, please let a moderator or admin know, and we'll discuss it and possibly add it to the list!

BTW, we have a special section for off-topic conversations called "The Sump" to hopefully avoid crapping threads and keeping things on topic