Thanks all for the greetings. I feel right at home.

Gosmith, what kind of fish are you planning to raise? I originally considered Rainbow Trout but have since switched to Tilapia. The plan right now is for a 4' x 8' FT, 18 inches high with a GB to FT ratio of two to one - Flood and drain system with a sump tank.

My biggest concern is heating and knowing what the right temp. should be. The green house will be double walled clear tarp with a PVC pipe hoop frame. I'm going to put waterbed heaters beneath the pond liner of the FT and put a layer of styrofoam beneath the waterbed heaters. The greenhouse will be 30 ft long, 10+ ft wide and heated with a woodstove, as I have a large supply of wood now. I know this is a pretty large system to start with but since it takes so long for a system to season, I decided to go ahead with that size.

There are a lot of unknown vaiables here. I seriously doubt waterbed heaters willl be enough to handle the job, even with a nice warm greenhouse, so I am anticipating the need for stock tank heaters.

All this raises the the questions;

1. What is the ideal temperature for a Tilapia system that size?
2. Is the temperature a trade off between the best fish temp and the best temp for plants?

I know I have a lot to learn, but it sure sounds like fun.