Quote Originally Posted by rfeiller
You are absolutely correct brier which brings us back to maybe this earth can not support as many people as some would like to believe. The cost of mass produced food may be in the long run the most expensive.
It sounds like you want a seat on my space colony

Quote Originally Posted by Brier
Yes, and believe me, the broken system really angers me. I am a guy that longs to be a full time farmer, but the economics make it nearly impossible for a small scale, organically based farm to make it. You can either pay for the land, or pay a salary, it is very difficult to do both. Agribusiness has lowered the cost of food so much that it has all but driven the family farm out of the market. They are over.
I don't completely agree with that, and I plan to start a small farm myself. I am still doing the research, but a small farm (especially one integrating aquaponics to lower costs), seems surprisingly feasible. Perhaps we need to have a discussion in the coming months about this