They taste the same, but grow slower and don't get quite as big. They get to around 1.25 punds in a year, but the males and females reach the same size as long as the females are not given a chance to breed. This means keeping them in cages with the bottom of the cage off the bottom of the tank.
They are as easy, if not easier to raise. The big advantage for a home grower is that it is child's play to breed them.
Does anyone have Mosies for sale? I live in south texas and the nearest tilapia farm is 7 hours away. I found some guys that will ship but it is extremely expensive. Don't know if it is any cheaper for anyone else but thought I might try. I don't mind fry if it is cheaper to ship. Any help would be appreciated.
Lord, grant me the ability to change the things I can,
The tenacity to change the things I can’t,
And the ignorance not to know the difference...
Does anyone have Mosies for sale? I live in south texas and the nearest tilapia farm is 7 hours away. I found some guys that will ship but it is extremely expensive. Don't know if it is any cheaper for anyone else but thought I might try. I don't mind fry if it is cheaper to ship. Any help would be appreciated.
PM badflash. He has reasonable prices and I believe he has purebred mossies.
Hi...I think a copy stays in your outbox.....there should be a place showing the 'sent' time and date (?)
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." - President Ronald Reagan
Tried to PM him but it stays in my outbox and never goes through. Or he hasn't had a chance to reply.
I don't know anyone offhand that sells these besides a local fish farm where I live. I can try to see if they ship and I will send you the info when I get it. It usually costs a few hundred dollars because of the shipping, but sometimes with fry they can work out cheaper options.