if the focus in our country was on the nutritional quality of the food we grow and not on the ability to mass produce food for export to fill the pockets of wall street (the local farmers are still going out of business) not because of "Christian duty". the incidence of ADD would probably diminish. but the emphasis is on production and the ability of our food products to last on the store shelves for months thanks to the preservatives.

if you believe for one moment that shipping food to foreign countries is to help those poor people and keep them from starvation, i think something has been left out in the equation.

the world bank is not the least bit interested in the christian thing to do.
sorry, oh yes our country has been sold to foreign powers also by the same people that profit from food exportation.

i believe in training people to survive not welfare, but then you can read accounts by the peace corp and how as soon as peace corp voluntiers left the people fell back into their old ways.