Quote Originally Posted by Hotrodmike
They have been pushing this or very like things for over 5 years ,it is pure corp. B.S .
Actually, one of the first of these bills was introduced over 15 years ago ..... just like the socialists who demand health care for non-citizens, etc. these people will continue to put these bills forward in one variation or another or even piece by piece, until they get their way ... just like the raw milk scam ..... (I grew up on raw milk, so I consider those laws as a scam) ..... they sneak it in and eventually you get arrested for breaking the law when no one knew it was even passed.

We all have to keep our eyes open to these kinds of underhanded actions ...... the major news media (who get their advertising revenue from 'guess who') decries and dismisses the "conspiracy theorists" who see some sort of wrong-doing in these laws which will supposedly keep us healthy and safe, but eventually the big agri-corps get the gold, while we, the people get the shaft.

If the Repubs take over Congress, look for it to be introduced again, maybe in another form, but basically the same law - it doesn't matter who is in power, Republicrats or Demoncrats ..... just follow the money trail when the above Corps. who support this type of legislation start shelling out the campaign donations

Just my 2 centavos ......