I went back and read this entire thread this morning. My interest in worms being fed garbage
and plants feeding off of the worms is such a powerful concept. After reading and refreshing
what I knew already I spent 2 days last week in garden probing around just for self interest.

The red worms (ones with the stripe bands) found ONLY in compost bin next to garden.
I toss all garden scraps there end of season. As for earth worms\night crawlers only found
in garden soil which is right next to compost bin..not a discovery I know that but what is interesting is the compost is next to garden and if I moved 1 foot out away from compost
bin and tried to find a red worm it was not going to happen. Each time I dug I would find a regular earth worm then go back 1 foot in the bin and find red worm.

Like having 2 types of cattle in a field but each group has particular interest of what it
it see's as a food source.

Red worms in compost (old decaying plants\garbage)
Earth worms in soil (organic matter and dirt)