Located in Central Oklahoma south of Norman. I think the bottle I used for the egg tumbler is from a water flavored drink and WalMart. I use one pump and a flood a drain. System works great. The green box thing under the bed is for 2 air pump attached to air stones. I have about 50 tilapia, 3 coy, 7 Comet goldfish, and 2 yellow persch I caught fishing. All are doing great and the perch have grown to almost a pound. Hava had great success with Basil, romaine lettuce, and Roma tomatoes. 3 tomato plants yielded 39 large tomatoes. Basil tree was easy 5 ft tall. All this locked up the bed where I had to clean it out and start over. Greenhouse coming soon. Plans for additional 3 grow beds and a raft bed to come. The next upgrade after greenhouse will have a solar water heater and will be a modifed Chop system. Total setup should be running for under 50 watts. Looking forward to the winter challenge.