Quote Originally Posted by rfeiller

i played with mossambicas for the aquarium industry in '72-75. no market, but they were extremely intelligent fish that were easy to train to thump a device to get food and to run mazes.
I remember them in Salt Lake City, Utah as "African Mouthbrooders" from Redwood Road Nursery in the '60's and '70's .... they were really a Tilapia sold under the scientific name as 'Saratherodon Mossambica' or 'S. Aureus' and 'S. Nilotica' ...... they were "just a different variant" of a Cichlid as far as we were concerned. Now that they have changed to be a 'sportfish,' or 'foodfish' many states won't allow them to be raised, because they want everything to be GMO'ed or hybridized . Monsanto and ConAgra have a very big hold on our politicians, as well as the FDA and USDA.