i didn't know that strawberries can't tolerate salt. the largest strawberry farms possibly in the country, thousands of acres are right on the pacific coast in watsonville, ca. they are bathed in moist salt air constantly. the sea air and fairly constant climate is why they do so well. that makes me curious. there are many cultivers that are not available to the general public, i know i have been unable to get any of their plants from the strawberry growers that sell plants to the farmers. stuck with quinolts (sp) and other strains as old as i am.
isreal is a people that has done wonders with salt tolerant plants. what do they do?

years ago Jungle Products main ingredient in their meds was nothing but table salt. there are those that believe salt will keep the parasite levels down in their overcrowded fish habitats, of course it doesn't. the parasites adapt very readily to enviromental changes.
since freshwater fish use osmosis to transfer water and waste in their tissue cells, i can't beileve salt is all that great. i do like it on steak and eggs and the doc says none of that is a good thing.
epsom salts is another thing; i found it be benificial for my fish that showed signs of shock. not to mention rose bushes.