I told you I was going to play with your idea about the siphon...
I had 2 F&D beds that I was lazy when I set them up... yeah I know but it was a really bad Fibro day and I really should have been in bed instead of fiddling with growbeds... I used a hot iron to burn 2 holes into 2 of those 7gal cement mixing trays from home depot... I put the holes nearly side by side, figuring that if they didnt work I could always make them larger for pvc pipe... (I was using 3/8 in black rubber tubing) Anyway, I figured that I could just use one as an input and the other as an overflow. put screen over both tubes and set the pump on a timer to run a half hour every 2 hours...

Anyway, it didnt take me long to figure out that was a bad idea as the water wasnt really circulating through the gravel the way I wanted, after all it was pretty much going in one hole and then right out the other while maintaining the height level... My Tomatoe clones hated it... refused to root, instead insisted on just sitting there and rotting under the gravel while the tops still looked pretty good... Not a way to clone your favorite Tomatoes..... I was just wasting my time and money...

So I was feeling pretty good yesterday so I decided to play around with it. I extended the water outlet hose so that it sprayed water over the back of the bed, and made the loop with the other tube.... and It worked!!! running like a dream now! The lettuces I left in there seem to be loving it, as they are noticably greener today than they were yesterday. Those sick tomatoe clones, I put into another F&D system that was working textbook and in 2 days have a TON of new roots!!!

You saved my clones and saved me time and effort in that I dont have to remove the lettuce, gravel and dismantel the system to fix a problem that I shouldnt have made in the first place!!! In other words... you let me still be lazy but in a creative way and fix the problem that would have otherwise taken me the whole day and a run to home depot to fix!

So not I have 6 of my favorite variety of heirloom tomato without having to buy 6 more plants... gotta love it!