Yes florida... memories of shrimp.. eating. netting.. needless to say i can not eat it up here.. EVER AGAIN..

I am from menomonie (ME-NOM-ONEY its said like that and pretty much everyone here is broke)15kish people..

I intend on making a small set-up using 55gal drums ( as i get for 5$ here ) and a pond pump right now..
since its freezing here most the time .. yea.. i will start off tilapia inside in my 75gal aquarium.. then in the spring. "june end may" i will move outside to the ponics set up.
my plans right now are to use 2 55 gal drums as fish tanks.. and 1 or 2 cut in half as grow beds..
only one pump.. and i will deal with the waste in the one tank when i empty it and prepare for winter.. since gotta do that by/in sept at the latest..
i hope to get pics up and posted in the backyard set up soon..
this will be a test run for next summer as its gonna be cold here again.. 3 more months then its safe to go outside again. " stinking sun and sweat " :P