I hear you on the fish and am still in the what will work the best and cost the least for Me

I wanted the back wash feature as much as anything .Then you have the thing of when your GB or GB's are down for cleaning ,re-croping or maint. you still have at least some filtration plus the less solids that go in the grow bed the better . The filter I saw on flea-bay was rated for 3500gph has a UV light ,foam filters and a bio-filter chamber . Did no think it was too bad for 130 bucks ,I could be wrong . if not for the backwash feature I would have just taken one of my old hot-tub filters ,replace the element with a drilled stand tube and stuffed her full of bio-material .
Might be an idea for someone that wanted a preasure type bio-filter .

See filter above ,not sure brand .
Man I hate to say this but growing up in the south I really am fried on catfish , no pun intended
As for the grow bed I would love for them all to be 4x8 but Overlord has only allocated a square foot area of .5 so I have 24x6 minus the end by the door until I can expand the greenhouse . The greenhouse is basicly 1/2 of a 24x24 so the normal thing would be to make the left 1/2 which would enclose my tank or it the tank works out being outside (do plan a shade roof over it ) add another right side to the end making it 12x48 . Problem is I do not have the extra money to buy the polycor siding and the steel tubing to build the frame . If I did them on the ground I would have to do another pump and a sump and that would mean more diggin
I was thinking about fiberglass and understand how to build a mold and have done enough repair on Vettes and Lotus to know its not something I care to do but can . I am trying to get the guys in the body shop to do this after hours they do owe me money
I talked to Stucco on his though they are smaller than I wanted but figured shipping would be the killer but have not heard back yet. I even thought of doing 2x18x1 beds but if I did that they both would end up as Ebb/Flow and I would have no room for any raft . Always what you dont have <VBG> plenty of land but enclosed grow area at a premium . I could use my 3000' warehouse but lighting would kill me and make the front page "Huge Grow Room Busted but Turns Out To Be Lettuce"
Have A Kind Day