Nope just warm..and it's been 90/F here and so humid you can't breath. But so far as I have tested it not hot. I need to run it with full load for 2-3 hours. Thanks for the heads up I was not aware of HIGH temps on the pipes. I can tell the OUT side get's warm and for TEA that is OK since 75/F is a good water temp for making tea.

I need a filter first before running it far all is testing. Now the only part that get's hot is the center of the HUB where the blower fan is and it's not burning hot but hot still, this must be where a bearing is? And do these need to be cleaned? I want to take care of it but not take anything apart that ends up causing me a problem.

Just got a hard soaking wet rain here, less that 1 hour outside 250 gallon tote is half full then the rain stopped. it comes out that 4 inch PVC into the tote like a fire hose!