very cool setup... I have the plans on this ole puter somewhere for just what you are talking about, but it has a rigid siphon. I definatly like your siphon setup better... gotta play with this one... I hate it when I start toying with more ideas than my poor wittle head can deal with... NOT...LOL

Have you tried to use those rigid square gallon water jugs??? Just thinking of larger size for bigger plants...Hmmmm
They sell those at the 99 cents store... perhaps I will have to try that one... I actually like this idea better than the deep water culture I am currently using in the other room.... I could use some of the holes that are already the lids without having to scrounge some lids from Home Depot...

So many ideas... so little time... hehehehe

and sister in law just gave me a home depot gift certificate..... Shopping!