Hello JeffW
My sister also has MS... When she was about 8 I remember her getting that classic bulls eye rash that they now associate with Lyme Disease.... the never looked at that back then... Mom took her to the doctor who just said that she was probally stung by a bee that had bee dosed with DDT

There is something about the northern states according to research that increases our risk of MS and similar auto-immune disseases... Canada has it even worse than we do according to the statistics...

Some researchers feel it is due to our increasing societal phobia of germs and super cleanliness that causes the disease by not exposing us to enough pathogens at an early age.... Mom didnt believe in all the cleanliness hype so I cant see that their thoery holds much weight... No we didnt live in a dirty house nor did we skip a bath but we played in the mud, waded in the creek, went fishing for ? with our hands ect ect ect and didnt get deathly ill from it, if you know what I mean...LOL

I tell you what... you come over here to help me put a collar on the ole boy without getting your fingers torn off when he puts his head back in the shell and I will put a leash on him... wicked evil grin
This boy is a tank, you should see him walking around the yard pushing a chair along with him... hmm perhaps I should shoot that for a youtube video???