Quote Originally Posted by JeffW
I quit smoking (after 35 years of it) and it changed my life for the better, now I know that anyone can change the way they eat because giving up a smoking addiction was not totally easy "but" with some good support it was doable and I did it and I won. Now I preach healthy eating and as a reformed smoker that was diagnosed at age 49 with mild copd from years of bad choices I know change is not impossible. Eating the wrong foods is no different than someone that smoked knowing it was bad for them. Good news is we ALL have a chance while we are here to go a better route and that includes what we eat and drink. We all know what is good or bad for us because the education has been out there a long time.

There I did my sermon...next!
I quit smoking Camel non-filters when the price went from 25 cents to 30 cents a pack ..... I told myself NO ONE would pay that much for a pack of cigarettes, so I'd better quit before they quit selling them ......... Now people are paying almost $5.00 a pack for them ............ I'm glad I quit so long ago, even though I ended up with a virus or bacteria that only 1 out of 10 milllion get from tobacco (according to the Vet's Hospital). My lungs are clean and I haven't been diagnosed with cancer.
Now that I've found aquaponics, I will be able to eat fresh organic green vegetables, and mercury-free fish ..... I guess that makes me a happy camper!!