I think that snake was the same one I have removed from the yard a few times. We have baby rabbits around. Usually I'll pick them up and toss them in the woods. Last year I removed the same kind of snake several times. It kept coming back to the same spot.

Harmless lil oak snake, or rat snake is what they are called around here. But my wife would not come out of the house if she knew where I found it.

Grandpa was a rattle snake hunter, I can remember as a kid we were all playing in his house and looking up to see a rattlesnake curled around the top of a lampshade. As we freaked out he walked up to it and picked it up, threw it out in the woods. I'd go hunting with him and he'd find one, tell me to pick it up and put it in the bag. Tell me don't be a ____ and get him. Put them in a bag and save them for an annual rattlesnake roundup we have here. - good memories