We have a popular food market business down the road, it was a small family business at one time now they are in 4 towns and growing. People from Chicago drive up here just to shop at this place. In the spring it is the place to be for your gardens,birds fruits and just about any veggie you can ask for and most of this runs 365 with baskets of apples and things you can pick up and put in a cart and shop some more...yea it's a neat place.

One day I saw the owner (He has a home here but also a home in "Mexico") and has a home in Mexico because most of the back room help is from there, and where do you think the tomatoes and thousands of other items come from? No not USA..it comes from Mexico and the rest comes from Canada! So I did some research and I discovered almost 80% of ALL vegetables America eats come from imported trains and trucks and planes. We can not grow enough tomatoes to supply the demand so it is imported.

Anyway I saw the owner (I know him informally) and said "he I built a hydroponic garden". He smiled and paused and lean over and said "yea that's nice you should see the ones they have in Canada" and he winked. I know he flies allot to Canada and other places now I know why.

He buys his tomatoes that we living in USA purchase from Canada? I thought why can't we grow them here? What in the world is wrong and here I live in Michigan which is an AG state? What about all the other states?

The fact and "truth" is the American people now depend on food not only made by industries but food that is "imported".

Now think about this for a second if you wanted to CONTROL the USA or TERRORIZE the USA what easier way to do it than to say "we are cutting you off". They have been preaching terror for 7 years in D.C. and not ONCE have I heard ANYONE talk about "alternatives to growing food" all they ever said was "they might try to contaminate our supplies"....WHAT SUPPLIES?????

Oh well what do I know..well I know how to grow food with fish and rocks..geee