I do not agree with inducing things to breed ie. hormone injection etc. I'm more in line with letting Nature do the work. The design is better then anything mankind could come up with, as it has stood the test of time. Problems arise when mankind has attempted to control the design.

Fine that a fish can be coaxed to breed 10 times a year.
How many fry do they release each time?
Yellow Perch release egg strands of 25,000- 35,000 once a year. Although I have never counted myself.
In all fairness its all in the perspective, you could have a fish that needs stringent temp controls producing 10 times a year, I cant emagine each breeding would produce much more then 300 fry at a wack. So even giving that as a best number that is 3,000 babies a year.
In comparison YP offspring would be ten times that number.
Of course there has been no discussion on breeding the offspring to up the numbers or of survivability rate nor the kind of stress it causes to produce offspring nearly every month.
I would be plumb wore out.