well back when the link to it was posted I looked it over for a hour or 2 --if I remember right --honestly its been a while back ---but im pretty sure I found pricing info when I looked before

as for "pissing all over yadda yadda yadda " --cant speak for other people but I piss on anyone who instead of trying to at least show alternative ways to do something & only shows their own way --with a pricetag attached & commercialization of a technich ---I can understand wanting to make a buck but at the expence of misinformation is just decieptfull at best & usually its more than just deciept !---as many people in this world that nee dhelp with being able to at least know their foodstores are somewhat safe ---to prey upon poor people trying to get out from under their bills is FUCKING DOWNRIGHT EVIL AS HELL ! ! ! ---having said that , im not saying that the IAV's team is doing that intentionally ----also when I went there for an hour or so before typing this ---I no longer see pricing info on their site ---so if they aren't trying to sell something I must stand corrected in beliving them of profiteering upon the suffering of humanity --or I simply gave up before finding the sales-pitch this time