Thanks Aquapon for bringing this thread forward. I guess I stopped reading it shortly after the post back in 2013, for that I apologize.

I continued to measure and record daily power generation from the panels for over a year then stopped recording due to being very busy. We were using lots of electricity from Edison and were in the upper tier for about half of what we were using at $0.31 per KWH. At the 367 day mark we had generated 10,782 KWH from the panels for a total of 9,704 KWH (90%) after AC conversion at a savings of $3,008, as we were still in the upper tier even with the solar installed mainly due to all of the grow lights we were using.

The panels were laying flat on a slightly sloping Western facing roof, which was not optimum, especially in winter. I believe we could have increased that by 1/3 had we had enough room to tilt them to local latitude.

Now for the rest of the story. Late last year we started looking for property in Eastern Arizona in the White Mountain area. After many months and several trips to look at properties we purchased our new home with acreage and a well and this last Spring (2016) we made the move, consisting of twelve 501 mile trips each way pulling a trailer, one round trip per week, until the move was complete.

We did it that way so we could keep our internet business operational in CA until we had internet and phones up and running in AZ and the next trip we moved our computers and considered ourselves AZ residents. Then we had to move our cats. Blow-up beds were of great help. It was a 10 hour drive each way pulling the trailer but after several trips it seemed to get shorter.

We are not willing to make our exact location public just yet but it is in the Show Low, AZ area. The house has a built in 500 square foot classroom. Can't imagine what we will do with that . We've been wanting to do Aquaponics classes for several years and now we will have the classroom co-located with an operational micro-farm. More on that as things progress.

Once again, the solar panels are stacked up in our shop awaiting being placed up on the roof. This time the shop roof is East-West facing so half will go on each side. We will be adding more solar panels as we have lots of room up there. The good news is that due to their orientation we will have a more consistent power profile throughout the day. The bad news is that due to that orientation the overall efficiency will not be that great.

The house has a long South facing roof but I am keeping that for solar water panels as I want to generate as much hot water in the winter as possible for hydronic heating. I have no experience and only a little knowledge in that area but will learn it by the time it is installed. Also looking at wood hydronic heating as a part of that system. We had hydronic heating for the fish tanks in CA using a natural gas water heater and stainless steel tubing in the fish tanks but we don't have natural gas at our new location as we have expensive propane instead.

In the summer the sun shines in the morning and it is cloudy every afternoon with thunder showers. The Spring is windy with lots of sunshine. I'll let you know about the fall and winter as we pass through them for our first year here. All important in determining the next placement of more solar electric panels. We are at about 6,000 feet in altitude so the winter will be a new experience for us.

The house has a 15 x 75 foot South facing covered open porch which we will be turning into a micro-farm greenhouse, the East 30 feet of which is covered (big roof) as a connector from the shop to the house. That area we currently call the breezeway (for good reasons) and the East end will be enclosed to become our fish room. For the remaining 45 feet will have about ⅔ (10 feet) of the roof removed and and plastic placed on it. That will be 10 x 45 feet of plastic roof. We will have to frame in the open South side and West end and add more plastic to complete the greenhouse (room?).

We brought our big swamp coolers from our desert greenhouse and will be using them to push cool air down through the whole 75 foot length, starting at the sun drenched West end and exiting through automatic louvered vents on the East end past the fish tanks. We have about 8% humidity here in the spring and the coolers should work well. When it rains here it pulls down cool air and in June (our hottest month according to the locals) we saw it go from 95º to 65º in about 10 minutes when a cell passed overhead and dumped rain. 30 minutes later it was back up to between 85º and 90º with humidity.

I will update with pictures as we progress.
