Thanks for the replies JCO and Jvision. To cover the replies;
I was trying to limit the water changes as I understand that is really a last resort with it highly likely to reak havick on the bio system. My nitrates were in good range but once I
hit 3 on the nitrite scale and not able to start bringing it down within a week and a half by adding batceria (not enough time I suppose) I though the water change woudl be a wise
step fully aware I would probably being starting fresh on the cycling again. I got the nitrite down to 1.6 and it was holding there but wanted a safer level after still having
lost two fish in the week after getting it down to that level. Oh and ammonia was near zero at these points too.
My bio filter should be more than ample(15 gal barrel)but with running a 900 gph pump I may need to add in more bio balls and more bacteria charging. I had begun adding in bacteria a
week and a half prior to the large (20%) water change.
I have only been feeding once a day from day one and cut out a few days to try to help which it did some but I should have held back a couple more from what I have now read.
For the plant side, the beds were empty as I was waiting for the nitrates to really start ramping up. I did go a buy a few hydroponic basil and bib lettuce heads to the bed just this
past week to help me gauge the O2. Even though the plants are doing fine and no dying roots from the lack of O2 I think I am going to buy another larger air pump to ease my mind

As for the fish that were swimming slightly on their sides last night, they seemed to have been doing fine this morning and no losses, "Crossed finger" . But as far as the eye bulge I am still a bit miffed as one happened prior to the water change and one days after and maybe oxygen