Well, yesterday is in the basket and that's where I feel like I should be....OOOOooohhhhh my aching muscles (what few I still have at 71).

Anyway, here is the local progress report.

Cleaned up ready to go. Had to rent scoffling to get up high enough to work

and we begin

the roof ribs had to be assembled in the middle and bolted, ends drilled & sleeved

ground post fitted to sleeves, drilled and numbered corresponding to their specific end of a particular roof rib

and now the ground post have begun to be put into the ground, with great effort I might add.

and that's the end of the first days efforts. 16 ground post in the ground and tomorrow the other side good lord willin' and the creeks don't rise

Oh Yes, also please take not of the new well which will be just insite the left front corner of the greenhouse. Water readly available when needed and no worries about it freezing.