Hi Guys! Sorry been distracted, back now looking for help buuut what I have running right now is:

45 gal barrel cycling up to a 30 gallon grow bed using Hydroton as media, have some earthworms in there, 10 fingerling Tilapia and currently growing: cauliflower, peas, tomatoes, cucumbers and basil... these of course are my sacrificial plants since I haven't actually planted anything from scratch (well except for the basil) oh, I also have a couple of garlic bulbs in there.

I know my grow bed is still not big enough but it's all I can have since I have such a small patio and don't want to get in trouble with the stupid HOA lol

Right now I am having problems with my plants flowering, some cucumbers are forming but then the little baby cucumbers shrivel up and look like they are turning yellowish (only the fruit) soooo... not sure what it is but I am assuming maybe an Iron deficiency, so I added some Chelated Iron in there DPTA 10% added 3/7 tsp in there since it said 1/2 tbsp x 100 gals sooo *shrug* hope this works the fish don't seem to mind it too much! Now time to read and see if I can figure out what exactly is wrong with my System LOL