Enjoying all the replies. I think I will be going with rocks in the growbed and from what I read 12 inches is the best number for the bacteria to work to break down the fish poop solids.

As far as lights for the basement I bought the following:

Hydrofarm FLT24 2-ft/ 4-Tube T5 Commercial System with Bulbs

I guess I probably need to go with just one fish right now in order to have enough fish waste to power small growbed contained by these lights. I have considered some vertical growbeds as well to grow as much leafy greens as I can in the small space. Some other thoughts I had was instead of using a full growbed would be to use the net pots and a CF type system to limit the amount of growbed I would need. Obviously I would need some other type of biofilter in that case.

Should I just upgrade and get an IBC for the fish tank area? I feel like that would be better than a small 29 gallon area simply because the more water will make the environment more stable or no? Not entirely sure how food grade safe the tote is I would be using for the FT area anyways.