I went on an AP tour of a large Constant Flow Raft System…his plants were doing awesome, way better than mine in a Ebb & Flow Media System. He had also stated that he started out with media in both of his large GB’s and later pull out all the media in 80% of the GB’s and changed over to Raft System.

I have seen several AP system using the Ebb & Flow Media System and the FT water was 90 - 95% clear…plants were doing OK.

The two Raft systems I have viewed the FT water was only about 15 to 20% clear, you can see what appears to be fish but that’s about all…plants were doing awesome. WHY ? ? ?

1. Does the media act like a sand filter removing a lot of the smaller particles?

2. Is it possible to change a Ebb & Flow Media to a Constant Flow Raft System, without the Raft and used the media instead?

3. Water flow: fish tank, whirlpool filter, back into the grow bed though a aerator ring on top of the media, water being remove from the bottom of the GB by a non-firing bell siphon.

The media will give the plants the root support, give my red wiggler worms a home and act like a sand filter to keep the FT water 90 - 95% clear. Your plants will benefit with 100% of the water all the time, same as in a Raft System.