Hello and welcome,
It's hard to find classes, close by anyway, that's why this board is so valuable. I live in NC and have a small aquaponics greenhouse in my back yard. We also have a larger aquaponics operation here in the county were I live that I'm going to tour this Sunday @1PM. Here's a link to there aquaponics setup http://luckyclaysfarm.com/index.php/...y-clays-fresh/ The lady that owns it is into sustainable living and built this massive farm with lots of solar and aquaponics. Helps when you have a million or so to throw around. If you could make it for the tour, your welcome to join our small group, the aquaponics manager will be guiding us. You will pickup a lot touring an operating setup like this. I'll also be happy to share anything I have learned. But I'm still learning every day. Fighting Aphids right now. Just message me if your interested.