Pipe Siphon by Apollo;
Thank you all for the advice on Bell Siphons and the use of a Continuous Flow System. After weeks of not getting the proper results . I figured out an easier and more efficient way of circulating the flow on my aquaponics system. No Bells, No Reducers, No Little Air Bleed Off Tubes, No Moving Parts, nothing to tinker with on a weekly basis, takes minutes not hours to set-up and costs less.
Pipe Siphon by Apollo is made from the same size pipe you would make your Bell Siphon stand pipe from. Just add a tee on the top of the pipe, two 90’s, two down pipes (all the same size) and no funnels, floating caps or restrictors. At the end of the two down pipes you need to add a media blocker. I bought two 6” round atrium gates at a cost of $7.31 each for my media blockers (Cutting your old media blocker in half, adding more holes or slots to the upper portion and capping off the tops would work too).
I have two 300 gallon GBs with a 850 gallon fish tank . My Pipe Siphons are made from 1 ½ " PVC Pipe, Tee’s & 90’s . The top of my Pipe Siphon is about 1 ½“ down from the top edge of the GB . Both down pipes stop about 1 ½” from the bottom of the GB. (PLEASE NOTE! Both down pipes need to be even at the water line to help break the siphon at the end of the drain cycle). This is all connected to an existing 2” bulkhead fitting, one 90 elbow and about 20” of 2“ pipe and another 90 elbow at the end of that pipe (in the fish tank). This elbow helps to fine tune your siphon, point it up at a slight angle to help it “FIRE” sooner, keeping if closer to level will help it reset. Your pipe siphon will take several gulps of air before loosing enough water volume to break it’s siphon. I’m not sure how this will work if your pipe siphon and your drain are the same size pipe, but if your Bell Siphon System worked at least part time I think you’ll be fine.
The principle behind the Pipe Siphon by Apollo is it takes two down pipes for each stand pipe to fire the system. When the down pipes sucks air it cuts the siphon, which then shuts the system down. You should be able to run a higher volume of water into your GB. If at the end of the drain cycle air gulps fails to stop the system, decrease your water flow little by little to the GB until it breaks the siphon or turn the 90 elbow in your fish tank closer to level.
So far, so good, and I'm very satisfied with the circulating flow. My large GB's will fill in 8 minutes and drain in 4 minutes @ about 900 gallons of water flow per hour, per GB.
Now to let the system settle in and decide what plants and fish to put in the tanks. Anybody know of a good source for hybrid striped bass and freshwater prawns in Arizona???
I made a mental note of this sign when I was attempting to get the Bell Siphon to work!
The inserts between the Tee and the 90's are just small sections of pipe.
Anyone need some slightly used Bell Siphons?
GB & FT under construction, Quail cage in the back ground.
Pipe Siphon & Water Level Gauge just behind it.
Pipe Siphon by Apollo