For those just starting out:
1. Plan for the space you have - I had dreams of some crazy big system but I only have a porch of 50 Sq ft...
2.research - learn- ask everything you can about the system you plan to build. Learn about many systems but choose the one you think will work for you.
3. build according to your plans and BE PATIENT -
One of the things that has caused me the most trouble is....ME...I seem to think if I tinker then I can help the system cycle/mature faster or help mother nature grow the plants better....
give it time.....
Your new system needs time to cycle. This take about 6 weeks
Your system needs time to mature - from all that I have read and seen on this site, this could take a year.
In the mean time, grow leafy veggies, get used to caring/checking the system and be patient.
I started growing tomatoes right away before my system was fully ready. The tomatoes are smaller than usual but the biggest problem is that they seem to be taking the nitrates that my other plants need....others are not producing...
Just my observations