Just finished watching the whole video. 10 minutes in I wanted to post how appalling it all is, but I thought I should wait and watch the whole video. Now I'm just not sure I should ever eat again. How much research would it take to know that every single ingredient in what you buy is non GMO? Take bread for instance. Is the grain used, whole or processed, GMO? Where the chickens that produced the eggs fed GMO grain? We're the cows that supplied the milk fed the same grain? We're either the chickens or the cows genetically modified anywhere in their past? Okay that's a weeks worth of research to buy a loaf of bread. No thanks I'll just starve to death. Everything seems to be about how can "I" get more for me. It makes me want to sell all I have, move as far away from civilization as possible and fend for myself. If I had no children or grandchildren I believe that's what I would do. But, thankfully, I do have my family so I stay in society and make the best out of it. I vote! I write my congressmen and representatives on a frequent basis. I tell them how I feel and how I think they should vote. If they vote against what I believe to often, I vote for someone else the next time. After 2 terms I vote for someone else anyway. Public service is admirable but no one should hold an office with so much power very long. Absolute power breeds absolute corruption.

I will now step off of the soapbox and go calm myself down. I would eat something, but I'm afraid to.