Maybe I can offer something here. I work with some of the largest growers in the US and have supervisory experience in retail produce. I'll only address those I'm comfortable with.

1) Location is 'the' critical issue. Climate, work force, business friendly government, energy costs, retail market proximity, etc. etc., will all play a hand in ultimate success or failure.

2) Concrete.......I see you are located near don't want the first tropical storm to relocate you to Georgia. Yes I'm joking......sort of......losing a crop is one thing, losing the entire operation is something else. Goes back to #1.

6) The 64 thousand dollar question....a Yuma, Ariz. lettuce grower has a great year when a southern Florida lettuce grower has a complete failure. Every cantaloupe grower from California to Florida files bankruptcy when a Colorado grower has a listeria outbreak as "Harriet Housewife" won't touch ANY melon with a ten foot pole in that scenario. If it was me......I might look at a line of 'herbs' for restaurants???????? I dunno!

7) 20 acres may be large in the AP world but barely qualifies as a parking lot in the world of agriculture. I would think a "unique" crop or a "unique" market will be necessary. "Organic" will not do it as every/most large farms have dedicated 'organic' product lines that you would necessarily be competing with. Were I attempting this, I would target restaurants, farmers market, etc. or better yet, smaller wholesale produce companies who supply these types of businesses.

8) The trend in Agribusiness is to specialize and give a consistent supply. Take Del Monte Fresh Produce (Coral Gables, Fl.) cantaloupe for example. They start the year in Costa Rico/Guatemala to Florida/Southern Ariz. to Georgia/Central Ariz to Central California/Georgia and then start south again to provide Costco, Walmart etc., with a year around supply of melons. This reduces their exposure to total crop failure and increases the chance of hitting a firm 'market'. IMO, you could do the same (to some extent) in a 'climate controlled' facility. This is only one example of many I could give........again.....IMO, 'unique' is the key.

9) Just my up every expense you can think of......double that figure and you 'might' be close. Keep in mind that there are "MANY" new regulations on the food industry implemented or about to be implemented under the guise of 'National Security', 'Anti-Terriosm', 'Food Security', Chain of Custody that make it ever more difficult for the "Little Guy". Very costly in their implementation.

My .02 cents.......and about all it's worth.