Kieth I also had 2 surgeries. Fused the entire cervical spine and 2 titanium rods and 11 screws. Of course the rods came lose making the 2nd surgery necessary. To add insult to injury when they harvested bone from my hip to make the fusion paste, that area got infected and caused them to operate on that again to clean out the infection and then I had the pleasure of giving myself an IV everyday for 6 weeks. Now to complete the comedy because they went into my hip twice on the first surgery they decided to use the artificial compound called INFUSE to refuse the vertebrae that came loose with the rods. Well of course INFUSE has been recalled because of the side effects including prostate cancer. Guess who had prostate cancer after his back surgery. That's right, that would be me. It would be a funny story if it wasn't true. Lawyers are supposed to be working on that but who knows if or when that will end. My medicine consist of 19 pills a day, everyday and not much activity.

It took me 3 weeks to construct my system when it should have only taken an afternoon. Work a little, rest a lot. It does no good to complain I just go on with life and make the best of it that I can. The aquaponics keeps my mind active and I garden at chest level so there is no bending and stooping. Good mental therapy.