UF, I am envious of the fact that you have time for these experiments. I have worked at home before and had lots of time to do lots of things, but no money to do anything. Now, I work away a lot and have the money to do something, but my time is very limited.
Next month when I get home, I intend to build my first system, I will have a short time to get it all together. I wish I had longer, but I simply do not. I can afford a few financial mishaps, but I cannot afford to waste much time! I can get the money back, but not the time. I do apologize, if I push for a direct answer, but the truth is, I am trying to gather as much credible information, as I can to base my initial decisions on.
I am sure you know, after being in AP for a while, there is lots of misinformation out there about all aspects of AP.
Thanks for your input.