Ok, We been having an interesting conversation about Duckweed in one of the other forums and it reminded me of a joke I once heard.

The old farmer was out tending his cattle one day, when a traveling salesman pulled up in his horse and buggy. He called to the farmer and proceeded to tell him he had some revolutionary information that would benefit him greatly. He said for only $5.00 he would sell him his special recipe for how to feed cheap sawdust to cattle and they would stay healthy and fat. The farmer having dealt with salesmen before was a little suspicious, but he was interested none the less. The farmer said, "I see your horse there is slobbering all over his bit and bridle, I could tell you how to stop that". This got the salesman's attention, so the salesman said, "I tell you what, you tell me how to keep my horse from slobbering and I will trade you strait up for my sawdust feed recipe". They stuck a deal, but neither having trust in the other agreed they would both write the information on paper and exchange papers. They traded papers, shook hands and went their separate ways.
The farmer walked back to his house and opened his paper which said " mix sawdust with corn, the more corn the better"
The salesman got out of site of the farmers house and stopped to read his paper which said "Teach him to spit"