I will be honest, I am going in kind of a different direction, as I am looking to start small (as in a small commercial setup 250-300') and then expand to a larger system next spring in the neighborhood of 3000'. I plan on all DWR, not media beds, although I may do a few media beds for experimentation, with different crops, such as tomatoes and fruiting plants. having said that, I think the system you are building is a great indoor system for areas with limited space. The only area of concern I see, as others have mentioned is the possible algae growth, due to the white (somewhat translucent container) with no cover. Personally, I may would spray paint the FT brown or some color that looked ok in your house and make some sort of cover for it, to keep the light down. i think in an indoor system that size though, some type of algae eater fish may also be an option?
Keep in mind also, even though you are building a media bed system, it does not hurt (is will be beneficial) to research other AP systems just to get a well rounded perspective of what can be done with AP. I am sure, if you are like the rest of us, once your system is up and running, guest will have lots of questions and you will also be so amazed at the opportunities AP presents that you will find yourself talking about AP, to anyone who will listen.
By the way, Thanks for Listening!!!